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Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

In 2023, the Almaty Marathon drew an impressive 14,000 amateur runners, according to its official website. This substantial turnout, along with the popularity of similar events across Kazakhstan, highlights a burgeoning enthusiasm for running among Kazakhstanis. However, taking this passion to an international level presents challenges. A Kazakhstani runner can’t simply purchase a flight ticket and marathon slot and start training. They often need to navigate complex processes to buy slots, which are typically unavailable to Kazakhstani residents, and meticulously plan their journey. This was the scenario until recently. Janat Turgumbaev, an avid amateur runner, faced this very issue when he aspired to join the Big Six marathons. His solution? Making these international races accessible for his fellow countrymen. Thus, he founded the travel agency 4LMNTS, which secures slots for international competitions and manages all travel arrangements for its clients. As part of the "100 Startup Stories of Kazakhstan" initiative, Janat shared the trials, prospects, and experiences of his startup.

"100 Startup Stories of Kazakhstan" is a collaborative project by the Er10 Media editorial team and Astana Hub, highlighting the achievements of Kazakhstani startups and showcasing outstanding projects. Featured heroes include Astana Hub participants and other innovative and technological products and services. All content is published in Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

– How did you conceive the idea for your startup, and why did you decide to sell slots for international marathons?

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

– The inspiration for our startup struck during a training session. My friend and I were running and discussing how fantastic it would be to participate in the Big Six marathons: London, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, New York, and Boston. We had already enjoyed local events like the Almaty Marathon and yearned for something grander and more challenging.

Editor’s Note: The Big Six marathons, also known as the World Marathon Majors, are among the most prestigious races held in London, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, New York, and Boston. Each event attracts between 30,000 to 54,000 runners. Besides the substantial prize money, these marathons are coveted for another reason: completing all six grants the runner the official title of Six Star Finisher, a status that can be achieved only twice in a lifetime.

When we tried to secure slots for these marathons, we hit an unexpected roadblock: the slots weren't available for direct purchase. We discovered that buying slots required dealing with foreign travel agencies, which often didn’t sell to residents of other countries.

That’s when the idea to create a travel agency specialising in selling international marathon slots to our compatriots was born. We recognised a significant demand for such services and aimed to help runners from Kazakhstan and other CIS countries achieve their dreams of participating in global marathons.

– Janat, how did you identify the market pain? Was it based on personal experience?

– We identified the market pain through personal experience and by talking to other runners. We struggled to buy slots for international marathons from Kazakhstan, realising we weren’t alone. Hundreds of runners in Kazakhstan faced the same challenge.

Our active involvement in the running community and regular interactions with other athletes made us aware of this substantial need. Our experience and connections confirmed this, giving us the confidence that our startup idea would be both in demand and highly beneficial.

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

– What is the core concept of your startup?

– Our startup is a platform that allows anyone to purchase a slot for international running marathons. We offer runners the opportunity to easily and conveniently buy tickets (slots) for major marathons and other running events.

Beyond ticket purchases, we provide additional services such as insurance, visa assistance, and hotel bookings. We aim to offer a comprehensive range of services, so our clients can focus on preparing for the race without worrying about the logistical details.

With our travel company, we resolved the regionalism issue, where Italians sold only to Italians, the French to the French, and Kazakhstani runners were left out. Now, our runners can easily purchase marathon tickets, participate in the world’s top races, and receive guaranteed support from us.

– What stage is 4LMNTS currently at?

– We are currently in the scaling phase. We’ve begun selling slots in the Central Asian markets and received a positive response from clients. By the end of the year, our goal is to solidify our presence in this market and expand, offering our clients more opportunities to participate in international marathons.

Key competitors of 4LMNTS include the Irish company Sport Tour International and the American Marathon Tours. Their operations are similar but target different markets. Sport Tour International is a leading European tour operator, ensuring access to all major marathons and other international running and cycling events. Marathon Tours also handles all travel aspects and assists runners in joining major marathons.

– What sets you apart from your competitors?

– Our distinct advantage lies in the comprehensiveness of our services and our deep understanding of runners' needs. We don’t just sell marathon slots; we offer a full range of additional services such as insurance, visa assistance, and hotel bookings. This enables our clients to focus on their race preparation without being bogged down by organisational matters.

We actively participate in marathons ourselves, understanding the nuances of preparation and participation. This allows us to better cater to our clients' needs and provide optimal solutions. Additionally, we have exclusive rights to sell slots for many marathons in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, offering unique opportunities to our clients. We understand the difficulties runners face and know how to address these challenges, making international marathon participation accessible and comfortable for all.

– What kind of investments do you need for your startup’s growth?

– We need investments for rapid scaling. These funds will be used to expand our market presence, enhance and automate our services, and run marketing campaigns to attract new clients.

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

– What challenges have you faced in developing your startup, and how have you overcome them?

– We had to convince global marathon organisers that Kazakhstan has an active and engaged running community. This took time and effort to establish contacts and persuade marathon organisers of our region’s potential.

We overcame these challenges through patience, persistence, and a strategic approach. We forged long-term partnerships, improved our services, and continue to work on strengthening our market position by offering high-quality services and a personalised approach.

– What are your future plans? Which markets do you aim to conquer, and in which countries do you intend to scale?

– Our future plans include actively expanding our operations and presence in the Central Asian markets, CIS countries, and Turkey. We already have contracts in these regions, which will help us strengthen our position and offer more opportunities for our clients to participate in international running events.

– Do you aspire to become an international unicorn?

– Yes, absolutely. We have very ambitious plans.

– Who stands to benefit the most from your startup?

– Our startup will primarily benefit people who care about their health and wish to travel actively. This promotes physical health and inspires an active lifestyle, contributing to public well-being.

– What is the core mission of your startup?

– Our mission is to make participation in world marathons accessible and convenient for people from Central Asia and other regions. We strive to inspire people to lead active lifestyles, promoting their physical health and broadening their horizons through sporting achievements.

Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

– How do you envision the future of your startup and your industry? How will technologies evolve?

– We plan to develop a platform offering personalised race preparation recommendations, including training plans, nutrition tips, and race selection advice based on runner data such as heart rate monitor readings, heart condition, and analyses.

We also aim to create a platform for active communication and experience sharing among the running community. This will help runners receive support and motivation from others, ultimately enhancing their sporting achievements.

– Do you think Kazakhstan provides favourable conditions for startup development?

– Yes, Kazakhstan offers a conducive environment for startup development. There has been significant growth in startup support infrastructure in recent years, such as accelerators, hackathons, and incubators. Initiatives like Astana Hub and Most Hub play a crucial role in supporting and stimulating startups. They provide projects with access to resources, training, and mentorship, fostering a favourable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, and contributing to the development of new ideas and technologies in Kazakhstan.

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